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Retrieves screenshots from testthat's _snaps/ directory. If several files match dir_ls_snaps(), they are merged into an animated gif.


  test_file = character(),
  name = NULL,
  auto_numbered = TRUE,
  variant = shinytest2::platform_variant(),
  fps = 5,


  test_file = character(),
  name = NULL,
  auto_numbered = TRUE,
  variant = shinytest2::platform_variant(),
  fps = 5

  test_file = character(),
  regexp = glue_regexp_snaps(),
  variant = shinytest2::platform_variant()

image_animate_snaps(snaps = fs::path(), fps = 5, ...)

image_write_snaps(image, path = withr::local_tempfile())



Name of the test file, in which the snapshots are generated, without:

  • the extension

  • the test- prefix. If you're using testthat convention, this will be the name of the file in R/, which you are currently testing.


The name passed to shinytest2::AppDriver to be used for screenshots. Can be NULL, for no filtering by name.


If TRUE, filter for snapshot files automatically numbered according to the scheme used by shinytest2::AppDriver. If you pass a name only to shinytest2::AppDriver$new() (recommended), and then invoke several shinytest2::AppDriver$expect_snapshot(), they resulting snapshots will all have the same name, appended by a counter from 000 to 999. If FALSE, any filename {name}*.png will be selected. You may need to set FALSE if you pass a name toshinytest2::AppDriver$expect_snapshot() directly.


If not-NULL, results will be saved in _snaps/{variant}/{test}/{name}.{ext}. This allows you to create different snapshots for different scenarios, like different operating systems or different R versions.


frames per second. Ignored if delay is not NULL.


Arguments passed on to magick::image_animate


delay after each frame, in 1/100 seconds. Must be length 1, or number of frames. If specified, then fps is ignored.


how many times to repeat the animation. Default is infinite.


a frame disposal method from dispose_types()


optimize the gif animation by storing only the differences between frames. Input images must be exactly the same size.


A regular expression (e.g. [.]csv$) passed on to grep() to filter paths.


Vector of file names, as returned by dir_ls_snaps()


magick image object returned by image_read() or image_graph()


Path to file to snapshot. Optional for announce_snapshot_file() if name is supplied.


For image_animate_snaps() A magick-image.

For image_write_snaps(), path to the (merged) screenshots.


  • snaps2fig(): Save screenshots to man/figures and return relative path from there.

  • snaps2md(): Save screenshots to man/figures and return markdown image markup, to be inserted in roxygen2 documentation.

  • snaps2rd(): Save screenshots to man/figures and return R documentation image markup, to be inserted in R documentation. For a custom roxygen2 tag with equivalent funcionality, see crowInsertSnaps().

  • dir_ls_snaps(): List all testthat _snaps/ screenshots Finds all files for a variant, file and name.

  • image_animate_snaps(): Read in screenshot. If several, animate into a gif.

  • image_write_snaps(): Write out (merged) screenshots to new path.

Matching several screenshots

You can deposit several screenshots of a shiny app using shinytest2::AppDriver in testing. Use dir_ls_snaps() to identify all the resulting images. Typically used for consecutive screenshots.